What does gay mean in Spanish translation?

gay in Spanish translation
translate gay

How to say gay in Castilian translation?. Gay is a word from the English that defines a particular type of person that is homosexual. Whatsoever person showing interest in the same gender, having homosexual interest is called gay. The word gay is also used to define a state where the person feels happiness. Being carefree is also called gay.

How to translate gay in Spanish?

gay – homosexual

In some Castilian speaking countries like Cuba and Puerto Rico the word gay means 'maricón', 'pata', 'pájaro', 'loca'.


bisexual – bisexual

lesbian – lesbiana

homosexual – homosexual

heterosexual – heterosexual

gay – homosexual, 'maricón', 'pata', 'pájaro', 'loca'.

transgender – transgénero

Sentences with the words gay, homosexual in Castilian

Puede que sea homosexual y no lo sepa. He may be gay and not know it.
¿Conoces a alguien que sea homosexual? Do you know someone who is homosexual?
Ella no es homosexual si no bisexual. She is not homosexual but bisexual.
El homosexual ha sido discriminado por muchísimos años. Homosexuals have been discriminated against for many years.
En el siglo veinte culpaban al homosexual por la transmisión del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana. In the twentieth century homosexuals were blamed for the transmission of the homo immunodeficiency virus.
El homosexual es una persona que le gusta relacionarse de forma sentimental y sexual con individuos de su mismo sexo. The homosexual is a person who likes to relate sentimentally and sexually with individuals of the same sex.
Se tratan de eliminar las leyes de sodomía, típicamente usadas para justificar la discriminación contra la gente homosexual. They are trying to eliminate sodomy laws, typically used to justify discrimination confronting homosexual people.
El comportamiento homosexual no tiene una explicación científica. Homosexual behavior has no scientific explanation.
¿Por qué te consideras homosexual? Why do you consider yourself homosexual?
Hay muchas religiones que están en contra de la gente homosexual. In that location are many religions that are confronting homosexual people.
No entiendo que es lo que impide que todavía la sociedad no acepte a una persona homosexual. I don't understand what prevents society from accepting a homosexual person.
Se ha tratado de que se apruebe el matrimonio homosexual en varios países del mundo. There have been attempts to approve same-sex activity marriage in several countries around the earth.
La persona homosexual sufre grandes crisis de aceptación propia a lo largo de su vida. The homosexual person suffers great crises of self-acceptance throughout his life.
El comportamiento homosexual ha sido observado en cientos de especies animales, especialmente en mamíferos y aves. Homosexual behavior has been observed in hundreds of animal species, especially mammals and birds.
Odiar a una persona homosexual solo por su orientación es un acto de discriminación. Hating a homosexual person just because of their orientation is an act of discrimination.
Las personas tienen miedo de que el comportamiento homosexual se normalice. People are afraid that homosexual beliefs volition exist normalized.
En todas las épocas de la historia ha existido el comportamiento homosexual. Homosexual behavior has existed at all times in history.
Ser homosexual no es un delito. Being homosexual is not a crime.
Hay personas que luchan día a día porque se respete y proteja a la persona homosexual. There are people who fight every day for the homosexual person to be respected and protected.
Existen varios símbolos que representan a la persona homosexual como la bandera de arcoíris diseñada por Gilbert Bakery. At that place are several symbols that represent the homosexual person, such every bit the rainbow flag designed by Gilbert Baker.
El homosexual no debería ser rechazado por su familia. The homosexual should non be rejected by his family unit.
Ser homosexual no te hace ni mejor ni peor persona. Beingness gay doesn't make yous a better or worse person.
La cultura occidental y cristiana gestada por Europa se ha caracterizado por un gran rechazo hacia el comportamiento homosexual. Western and Christian culture created by Europe has been characterized by a great rejection of homosexual beliefs.
Espero que un día el comportamiento homosexual sea visto de igual manera que el heterosexual. I hope that one day homosexual behavior will exist seen in the same way as heterosexual behavior.
Una persona homosexual debería tener los mismos derechos que una persona heterosexual. A homosexual person should have the same rights as a heterosexual person.
Últimamente la sociedad ha tenido una mayor aceptación hacia el comportamiento homosexual. Lately society has had a greater acceptance towards homosexual behavior.
Existen varios artistas famosos que expresan su apoyo continuo a la persona homosexual. There are several famous artists who express their connected support for the homosexual person.
El término homosexual fue creado en el siglo diecinueve. The term homosexual was created in the nineteenth century.
El comportamiento homosexual no es debido a una malformación genética sino a una preferencia sexual. Homosexual behavior is not due to a genetic malformation but to a sexual preference.
Ser homosexual no es una enfermedad ni una deficiencia mental. Beingness homosexual is not a disease or a mental deficiency.
Ellos están teniendo una relación homosexual. They are having a homosexual human relationship.
Es doloroso para cualquiera de aquí que pudiera ser homosexual. Information technology'south painful for anyone hither who might be homosexual.
Estás envuelto con un estudiante en una relación homosexual. You are involved with a student in a homosexual human relationship.
Por última vez, mi abuelo no era homosexual. For the last time, my grandfather was not homosexual.
Eso es en el caso del matrimonio homosexual. That is in the case of gay spousal relationship.
Tengo entendido que se familiarizó con un conocido homosexual. I understand that he became acquainted with a known homosexual.
La gente discute si esa es una relación homosexual. People argue if that is a homosexual human relationship.
Soy una contable de 30 años casada con un abogado homosexual. I am a xxx-year-onetime accountant married to a gay lawyer.
Creo que su esposa sabía que él era homosexual. I think his wife knew he was gay.
Juan es homosexual pero no estaba en united nations juicio por eso. Juan is homosexual merely he was not on trial for that.
Señor, el hombre ha admitido ser homosexual. Sir, the man has admitted to being homosexual.
Trabaja para ese departamento de Estado y es homosexual. He works for that country department and he's gay.
No dice aquí que uno de las chicas era homosexual. He doesn't say here that one of the girls was homosexual.
Tengo entendido que se familiarizó con un conocido homosexual. I sympathise that he became acquainted with a known homosexual.
Se quedaron boquiabiertos cuando se enteraron que era homosexual. They were shocked when they constitute out he was gay.
Todos sabemos que estaban en contra de un pastor homosexual. Nosotros all know that they were confronting a homosexual pastor.
Dijo que era homosexual. He said that he was homosexual.
Era un matrimonio homosexual. Information technology was a gay wedlock.
No tenía la menor intención de declararse homosexual. He had not the slightest intention of declaring himself homosexual.
Su familia le dio todo su apoyo cuando se declaró homosexual. His family gave him all their support when he came out as gay.
Lo reveló como homosexual en la escuela. He came out as gay at school.
Es mucho más fácil declararse homosexual de lo que lo era hace twenty años. It is much easier to come out as gay than information technology was 20 years ago.
Ellos simpatizaron con la manifestación homosexual. They sympathized with the homosexual manifestation.
Su hijo es homosexual. His son is homosexual.
Tiene un momento para hablar del matrimonio homosexual. He has a moment to talk about gay marriage.
Sus padres homofóbicos lo rechazaron cuando se declaró homosexual. His homophobic parents rejected him when he came out as gay.
¿Qué crees del matrimonio homosexual? What practise you retrieve of gay marriage?
Lo despreciaron porque era homosexual. They despised him because he was homosexual.
Todos saben que él es homosexual. Everyone knows that he is gay.
Es muy fino como hombre, pero eso no quiero decir que bounding main homosexual. He is very fine every bit a homo, but that does not mean that he is homosexual.

Manufactures, Nouns, Adjectives in Spanish