
General Amount Of Money That Something Sells For

Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку Вариант №1 [30.05.14]

Тема: Контрольная №2 по Английскому языку Вариант №1

Раздел: Бесплатные рефераты по английскому языку

Тип: Контрольная работа | Размер: 19.39K | Скачано: 148 | Добавлен 30.05.14 в 19:16 | Рейтинг: +1 | Еще Контрольные работы

Вуз: Финансовый университет

Год и город: Смоленск 2013

I .     Переведите письменно существительные (1 - 10).

Выберите определения ( a j ), соответствующие существительным.

1) agreement                                 a) an amount of money that must be paid

2) reduction                                           b) a person, bank, or company that you owe money to

3) creditor                                              с) the amount of money that something is worth

4) value                                                 d) a decrease in the size, price or amount of  smth.

5) loan                                                   e) an arrangement or promise to do something made by  two or  more people, companies, organizations, etc.

6) payment                                            f) an amount of money that you borrow from a bank

7) investor                                             g) the money that is available to an organization or person

8) cut                                                     h) help, such as money or food, given by an organization or government to a country or people in a difficult situation

9) aid                                            i) a reduction in the size or amount of something

10) budget                                    j) someone who gives money to a company, business or bank in order to get a profit.



2. Понижение

3. Кредитор








a)Сумма денег, подлежащая оплате.

b)Лицо, банк или компания, которой вы должны выплатить деньги.

c)Количество денег, которое чего-то стоит.

d)Уменьшение размера, цены или чего-либо.

e)Договоренность или соглашение двух или более людей,   компаний, организаций и так далее сделать что-либо.

f)Сумма денег, которую вы можете получить в кредит от банка.

g)Деньги, имеющиеся у  организации или лица.

h)Помощь, деньги или еда, предоставляемая организаций или правительством стране или людям в трудной ситуации.

i)Сокращение численности или количества чего-либо.

j)Тот, кто дает деньги компании, бизнесу или банку, чтобы получить прибыль.

Занесите свои ответы в таблицу:





















II . Вставьте в каждое предложение подходящее по смыслу пропущенное слово:

market leader, rules, delivery, online shopping, department, boost

  1. Many people use the web for online shopping or banking.
  2. In formal situations it's a good idea to follow standard rules when making new contacts.
  3. A company that has the biggest sales or the best selling product in the market is the market leader.
  4. The company hopes that its new strategy will give sales a boost.
  5. Some retailers have found it difficult to guarantee delivery times: goods may arrive late.
  6. department is a part of company where people do a particular kind of work.

III.  a) Выполните темы № 3, 5 в КОПР.

b) В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The market for digital cameras was researched last year and the findings are reported in the Survey.(Past Simple. Passive voice; past simple. Active voice)
  2. Prices have fallen in the food business, because of advances in distribution technology. (Past perfect. Active voice)
  3. The car business has a serious problem: it is producing too many cars.(present progressive. Active voice)


  1. Рынок цифровых камер был исследован в прошлом году и результаты предоставлены в Обзоре.
  2. Цены на пищевой бизнес упали, из-за достижений в области распределения
  3. Автомобильный бизнес имеет серьезную проблему: он производит слишком много автомобилей.

IV.  a) Выполните тему № 1 в КОПР.

b) В следующих предложениях подчеркните герундий и инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. American consumers cannot keep spending more than they earn.
  2. the complex flows of funds is often difficult.
  3. Congress failed to approve proposal that the two countries would have normalized trade relations.


  1. Американские потребители не тратят больше, чем зарабатывают

2.Запись комплексных потоков средств очень трудна

3. Конгресс не утвердил предложение о том, что две страны имеют нормированные торговые отношения

Tracing  герундий

spending инфинитив

V . Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст.

European Ministers Agree to Loan Greece

1. European finance ministers agreed to loan Greece about one hundred seventy-two billion dollars this week at a meeting in Brussels. Luxembourg's Prime Minister announced the agreement: "After a meeting of at least thirteen or fourteen hours, we have reached a far-reaching agreement on Greece's new program and private sector involvement that will lead to a very significant debt reduction for Greece."

2. Under the plan, Greece's private creditors will lose more than half of the face value of their investments. The agreement also means the country will receive its second financial rescue in less than two years. The new loans will likely let the Greek government make a nineteen billion dollar payment on its debt. Now, Greece must negotiate the terms of its loans with individual banks and other investors. But these creditors will have to hurry. Greece can dictate its own terms once it reaches agreement with two thirds of its creditors. Not everyone believes Greece will be able to repay its loans. The Fitch financial services company cut the credit rating of Greece. Fitch said, it remains "highly likely" that the country will fail to meet its financial responsibilities.

3. The Greek parliament has agreed to the idea of spending and job cuts demanded by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. Parliament must now pass all seventy-nine measures included in a reform plan before getting the rescue loans. Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has said his country has a lot of work to do before it can receive new aid.

4. At the same time, protests continue in Greece over budget-cutting measures. Many Greeks say they have sacrificed enough. But Greece's EU neighbors are unlikely to release new loans until the budget cuts are in place. The head of the EU delegation to the United States told that the union has learned from the crisis. "We learned a lot about the means that we need to deal with emergency situations. We didn't have them before. We learned that our governance system was not yet at the right level, and we are in fact changing a lot. There is a lot being changed".

VI . Определите, являются ли приведенные ниже утверждения:

  • истинными ( true )
  • ложными ( false )
  • в тексте нет информации ( no information )
  1. The country will receive its second financial rescue in less than five years.
  2. Greece can dictate its terms when it reaches agreement with France and Germany.
  3. Private creditors will lose more than half of the value of their investments.

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No information


VII . Прочитайте абзац (см. задание V ) и ответьте письменно на следующий вопрос:

What did the Fitch financial services company cut?

Ответ :

The Fitch reduced the credit rating of Greece, and said it is very likely that the country cannot meet its financial responsibilities.

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General Amount Of Money That Something Sells For


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